basic latin
- U+0000 � - null
- U+0001 - start of heading
- U+0002 - start of text
- U+0003 - end of text
- U+0004 - end of transmission
- U+0005 - enquiry
- U+0006 - acknowledge
- U+0007 - bell
- U+0008 - backspace
- U+0009 - character tabulation
- U+000A
- line feed
- U+000B - line tabulation
- U+000C - form feed
- U+000D
- carriage return
- U+000E - shift out
- U+000F - shift in
- U+0010 - data link escape
- U+0011 - device control one
- U+0012 - device control two
- U+0013 - device control three
- U+0014 - device control four
- U+0015 - negative acknowledge
- U+0016 - synchronous idle
- U+0017 - end of transmission block
- U+0018 - cancel
- U+0019 - end of medium
- U+001A - substitute
- U+001B - escape
- U+001C - information separator four
- U+001D - information separator three
- U+001E - information separator two
- U+001F - information separator one
- U+0020 - space
- U+0021 ! - exclamation mark
- U+0022 " - quotation mark
- U+0023 # - number sign
- U+0024 $ - dollar sign
- U+0025 % - percent sign
- U+0026 & - ampersand
- U+0027 ' - apostrophe
- U+0028 ( - left parenthesis
- U+0029 ) - right parenthesis
- U+002A * - asterisk
- U+002B + - plus sign
- U+002C , - comma
- U+002D - - hyphen-minus
- U+002E . - full stop
- U+002F / - solidus
- U+0030 0 - digit zero
- U+0031 1 - digit one
- U+0032 2 - digit two
- U+0033 3 - digit three